Thursday, November 20, 2008

Doors ...

E! had been busy stripping and painting the door from the beer hall to the future outdoor deck. Here is the result:

Today we installed it, and it looks faaaaantastic:

Currently the door goes nowhere, but I will add a stair on the outside, sometime.

Myself I was busy yesterday with a door as well. The door to the dish station needed a new outside trim and a new sill. Not too much fun in the frigid cold, that is keeping this area in its grip right now. Hopefully by Monday we get back into a more seasonal temperature range. Where is global warming when you need it ... :-(

We picked up our fryer today. Happy, happy, happy. As soon as we get the propane lines into the kitchen and the hood system finished there will be a lot of french fries in my future. Very happy ... :-)


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