Sunday, July 5, 2009

What's Going On?! ...

I know it was a rough week for you, my readers: Three (non-consecutive) days without a blog post! What's going on?!

Well, I told you that we were helping E!'s sister move, but that was only Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday I was kaputt, but I worked on the second floor wiring (not very exciting, especially nothing picture-worthy).

Yesterday I installed light fixtures in two of the second floor rooms, and then went to mow the lawn. It was a great day for yard work. Plus, we knew the day would be cut short as we had been invited by neighbors for a 4th of July party (thank you Carol and Al for inviting us).

Today was equally slow. We were mostly planning the wait station (hopefully by the end of the week we will have it drywalled), and shopping for materials (Lowe's had another "Get $10 off your next purchase of $50 or more" promotion, I live for those).

I know, none of this is exciting, but it will get better, trust me.
