Sunday, December 27, 2009

Restaurant Talk ...

We went and picked up some table bases this morning. The seller was another future restaurant in the area, called the Stoney Brae, located on Route 52 in Cragsmoor. Hey, you say, why do you advertise for other restaurants?! Well, for one thing, the Stoney Brae is too far away, the food will be different, and let's face it, there is nothing around here like Gunk Haus. Plus, the more good restaurants are in the area, the more people come here to eat (among other things).

Anyhow, the owner's fiancee met us there, and gave us the tour (we like to tour other restaurants). He had done all the renovations himself, just like us, and it looked spectacular! It made us blush a little, and I am glad we picked the name Gunk Haus, which is somewhat indicative, that not all is straight or plumb, but more rustic with lots of character. As usual, we were chatting about business, the troubles with authorities, and such.

On the way back we stopped by the Tuthilltown Gristmill, to see how our friends' restaurant is coming along, but they weren't home. Yet, they stopped by later at our place. More restaurant talk.

Late afternoon we had our neighbors Gia and Rick drop in, and we proudly gave them the tour.

Understandably, not much work got done today, but we did a little bit. E! is working on doors again.

I started some planning and preparation for repairing the bar floor.
