Sunday, September 13, 2009

Picture Fest ...

I was lazy yesterday, and didn't post to the blog, which doesn't mean I wasn't working, in fact I was stupid enough to work on the front sill, although I told I wouldn't do that at all. It took a lot of chiseling the concrete to get the rotten piece of wood out of there ...

... and even more chiseling the get the new (pressure treated) piece in.

Install pressure treated plywood, patch the concrete ...

... install a sill, and let man's best friend guard the whole shabang.

All this happened yesterday, except for the last picture. Today I started working my way up. I took one of the windows out, because it was easier to do all the little things I needed to do ...

... put it back in, and covered the sides with plywood and housewrap (which is not seen in the picture).

I had hoped to be mostly done with preparing the front entrance, before E! is done painting the trim. I think I'm going to lose this race, because she is close to being done.

Here is the master, pardon, mistress, hard at work.
