Monday, October 12, 2009

Kehraus ...

Now that we are nearing the completion of our renovation efforts (granted, we're still miles away ... but ... we're getting closer), it was time to clear out things and materials that have accumulated over time. I admit, I am a gatherer, but while we're under construction I'd like to keep things around, because they will come in handy at some point (I have used so many little pieces of wood for all sorts of tasks).

Nevertheless, the last two days we started clearing and cleaning things out, which doesn't necessarily mean that we threw them away, but that we found a new, more fitting (and sometimes permanent) place. This is especially true for the kitchen and dish station equipment, which now can go where it's slated to go.

Our septic system is coming along well, too. I didn't count today, but we must have almost 15 of the 24 laterals completed.


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