The cat had come in through a (larger) opening, which used to be an old window. That kind of did it for me, the opening had to be fixed (it had been on my radar for a while, but it wasn't high on my list.
Regardless, I set out to fix the problem. You frame out the area ...

... and you slap on some plywood. Easy peasy.

E! was busy resurfacing the dish station floor. The health department wouldn't like all the nooks and crannies in the floor, as they could harbor all sorts of nasty critters.

OK so wait a minute, tell us what happened to the cat?! I am currently weathering threats of divorce because I just took in a new stray gray cat of my own. Good luck!
I can assure you that no animals were harmed during this project. The cat escaped through the same hole she had used to come inside. I wouldn't take in a stray cat, unless we had run out of dog food (Piglet hates cats, and she lets them know in an unmistakable way).
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