Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where Did The Day Go? ...

One of those days again: You buzz around, go here and there, do a little this and that, and at the end of the day nothing happened.

What happened? We installed a little bit of trim on the front entrance, I cut some glass, which E! caulked into place, made some calls, did some research, and the day was over.

On some days I feel like a zombie with tunnel vision.



Gia said...

At least it was 1 day. Not so good when it becomes a week. ;-)

lindaingeborg said...

We are planning on one of those weekends. And we are not going to feel bad about getting nothing done. Except watching more Mad Me (me enthralled by the subtle brilliance and nuanced characters this season huff puff huff har har). And I think I'm going to make mayonaise. Come by for fika (Swedish for taking a break and having coffee perhaps with some sort of bone dry cookie) anytime.

Gunk Haus said...

Gia, thanks for always being so cheery, though it may have been more than one day, more like two years or so, but it'll all end soon ... promise, promise ... :-)

Linda, that cookie you're talking about, is that like wasabröd only sweet? gosh, how do I miss the Sunday sitting down for coffee and cake (or bone dry cookies, if you happen to be in Sweden) ... ;-)

lindaingeborg said...


I would whip up a semi dry scone or falling to pieces cornbread if you want to come over!
