Friday, February 5, 2010

Business Advice ...

Almost a year ago at the annual competition of the Hudson Valley Home Brewers I bumped into a kid (meaning someone who is younger than me), who was thinking about opening a brewpub in Arlington, VA (just across the river from Washington DC).

Ever since I have been thinking about (off and on) what I would have told him, had he asked me what advice I could give him for opening a restaurant. Of course we aren't even open yet (although last year around this time, we were hoping to open by Labor Day, and that time we really meant it).

Nevertheless, here is some of the advice I have to spare:
  • the day you decide to start a business, go and buy yourself a brand-new car
  • if you partner up with someone, go and climb Kilimanjaro together
  • for a month, get up at 6:00am, wear the same clothes, and only eat ramen noodles
OK, I admit, I made up the ramen noodles, I get up at 6:30am, and I have worn the same clothes for two years now.

I didn't buy a new car either, but it isn't about the car, in fact, why spend a lot of money on a new car when you need the money for the business. It is about the amount of money you are going to spend at the drop of a hat, and not always because you want to, but because you have to.

I also have never climbed Kilimanjaro, although I'd love to do that sometime, I've never even been to Africa (the closest I ever got to Africa was most likely Gargano, Italy, and that's still pretty far away). And again, it isn't about climbing a mountain, it is about being and working together with your partners in a stressful environment.

I have to stop, here come my ramen noodles ... ;-)

Tomorrow is more plastering on the menu.



HiHo said...

ahhhh, the real story. Good thing I can walk to work, lol. After 5 years, we have been held up in a cave 2/3 of the way up that mountain waiting for the storm to blow over.....I recomend bagels and peanut butter when you just can't eat another Ramond Noodle pack. The clothes, all I can say....once your open, buy your wife a new hat during the honeymoon stage cause it could be another 5 years of looking at the same one....( I'm craking myself up) Oh, and have a couple kids they do come in handy as cheap labor to cover shifts.AND remember sleep is over rated...if you sleep it's just a hobby ;)

lindaingeborg said...

Aaah. My sister has a theme for each year and for 2010 it's "ljuv är mödans lön" which means sweet is the pay for hard work. And you've done some hard work and the pay will be sweeeeeet. You're on the homestretch and things are looking awesome. Hang in there and when you open we will have a bonfire and the first thing to burn will be that orange fleece!!!

See you guys tomorrow!

Gunk Haus said...

Nooo, not the orange fleece!!! ... "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!!!" ... ;-)

Gia said...

Rick says you should preserve the orange fleece in a decorative frame and display it prominently.

lindaingeborg said...

It is most definitely hall of fame material!

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