Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kenny ...

Those of you who have followed this blog for a while may know that once it turns cooler I start donning Kenny, a bright orange fleece sweater, which we bought at the Salvation Army (like most of our work clothes) more than two years ago.

I name the fleece after Kenny, a character from the TV show South Park, who is always bundled up in a bright orange parka, and because of it mumbles all the time.

Anyhow, the bright orange color of the fleece is quite recognizable, and as I usually wear it all day, every day, I am very recognizable.

So this evening we went before the town planning board, because we needed a variance for our restaurant sign, but the president of the board didn't recognize us until we identified ourselves as the owners of what was previously know as the Hollywood Bar. As you may suspect we didn't wear our work clothes.

Speaking of the restaurant sign and logo (a thank you to our friend Jerry of Starpoli Signs for designing it), I haven't posted a picture of it yet, as we are still finalizing a few little details (namely color), but I'll post a picture once we can make up our mind, which will be once we have a dull moment to wrap our minds around things like that.
