Monday, March 22, 2010

Taking Reservations, Soon ...

Most of you who live in the neighborhood may have recognized that we are not open yet. Nevertheless we get asked a lot whether we would already take reservations.

The short answer is no. The long answer is noooo ... ;-)

Yet, all these requests got me thinking. Our biggest fear is that once we open the doors, we'll be run over without being prepared for it. This isn't good for us, the staff, and of course our guests. This is usually why restaurants have soft openings.

Originally we thought we'd open the doors, and hope that people don't realize we're open, and therefore only get a trickle of customers. But in this day and age word spreads too quickly, thanks to modern technology.

So today, after we received another request for reservations, we had an inspiration: Why not open the restaurant with reservations only, at least for the first week. That way we can control how many people come through the door, it is easier to calculate how much staff we need, how much food and drink. This allows the staff and us to concentrate on a limited number of guests, and provide them the experience they deserve without getting stressed out.

Once we get closer to opening, I will announce the dates and customer limits per night on this blog, and this blog only. Yes, you read right. You, my dear readers, are the first ones to know. Wait for it ...



lindaingeborg said...

Table for 2 please. But since I'm dragging everyone AND their UNCLE to the place I may need a bigger table.

J Bird said...

I'll take a seat at Linda's table for 94...

Gunk Haus said...

Er, let me confirm: You are making a reservation for 94 people?! SOLD!!! ... :-)

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