Saturday was an exciting and fun day. We discovered our new favorite auction, a tree and shrub auction at the Manza Family Farm. We went because we needed some landscaping for the Biergarten.
The great thing about this auction is, that aside from the items marked for auction, you can always suggest unmarked items to be auctioned off, which is how my honey got herself a twisted snow fountain cherry tree ...

... and here it is, already installed, pardon, planted.

We got a nice spread of shrubs (hollies, inkberries, rhododendrons, boxwoods), which we'll plant along the retaining wall around the Biergarten.

Back to the real work, tiling the floor behind the bar (always smile for the camera).

As we were out this morning, I didn't get to finish the whole floor, but there's always tomorrow, or any other day that ends in Y ... ;-)

If somebody's going to be standing back there for a long time, you could* consider rubber mats . . . it's what we do for horses when they stand on hard surfaces for any length of time!
*pending Health Dept approval, of course.
wow, that just gave me a great idea to get Bad Horse as a guest bartender (and since he's the Thoroughbred of Sin, we probably still wouldn't need any wussie mats)
Oh man, I would *definitely* tip Bad Horse!
Speaking as a potential guest bartender, I love the idea of rubber mats. And unless the bars I used to work for were in violation of health code (always a possibility), mats should be a-okay.
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