We don't shoot messengers, especially when they are as entertaining and good to work with as Lou, our trusty civil engineer.
Because we are changing the type of service for Gunk Haus to full service restaurant from single service / tavern, the health department is having a major issue with our septic system, in that it is too small. That's when we hired Lou to engineer a bigger septic system. The parcel which Gunk Haus is located in is about three quarters of an acre, so we would have space to expand the septic system.
Unfortunately, smack in the middle of the parcel is our cottage, which we renovated first thing after buying Gunk Haus, and now rent out.

To make it short, the cottage is in the way and has to go, else we couldn't build a septic system large enough to get permitted seating capacity that would make the business viable.
Aside from loss of income, little as it may be, this will take more time and money.
Don't worry, we will make it, not sure when, but we'll make it ... :-)
News that you serve a very nice and interesting to see, hopefully this news can be useful for everything. success
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