Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Gunk Haus ...

It was two years ago to the day that we closed on Gunk Haus. It has been a long journey since. I just spent half an hour browsing through old pictures, which there are too many to post, but I'll share a few random ones with you.

Although the winter of 2007 - 08 wasn't as cold or snowy as last winter, it felt a lot worse, most likely because we didn't have the first floor insulated yet. We made what used to be the community kitchen for the previous tenants our own, after removing several grease encrusted stoves and cockroach carcass littered cabinets.

The kitchen did not have any heat, which I found out after tracing the heat lines in the basement, not an easy task, because the basement ceiling looked like a plate full of spaghetti. I subsequently replaced all the copper pipes with PEX, which is a lot easier to work with, less prone to leaks (on the first day we took possession we found a pin hole leak in the main water line), and survives freezing unharmed (it actually happened that first winter, the affected line is still active, and has not leaked a drop).

You could see exposed pipes all over the place. Here a look what used to be, and is again today, the pass (between kitchen and wait station). The big pipe in the picture is the drain for our bathroom.

A more recent shot shows the beer hall while it was insulated last summer. This was only a few weeks before I started this blog (sometimes I wish I had done so earlier, but that's water under the bridge).



HiHo said...

unbelivable pictures, happy birthday!! heidi

J Bird said...

Oh man - I should have made a cake! Well, I guess you got some birthday cookies...

sarah murray said...

Could you guys use some help up there for a few days? Looking for my friend long lost friend Elizabeth and about to head off for a month long road trip. Still mapping where I'm going. Will work for food. Oh, and beer.

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